You are a teenager.....and a bedwetter......
You are a teenager.....and bed-wetter......
Your doctor has told you that bed-wetting will pass by itself. This moment will come once, ....... Yes the doctor is right. Most bed-wetters get dry at night, but unfortunately not everyone!
The problem is: when is this moment comming? That can be at the age of 7 or 8, but also at 9 or 10.....
..... and what should you do if that moment hasn't come yet and you are already a teenager? Then you will certainly need some help.
There is still a group of young adults for whom being dry at night does not work. So, you are really not alone with this problem. Do not hesitate and seek help and support.
Did you know that 1 to 2% of young people wet their bed at night?
Being a teenager
Als Teenager ändert deine Schlafrhythmus. Du gehst am Abend etwas später ins Bett und musst trotzdem früh aufstehen. In der Oberstufe musst du den Unterricht schon früh beginnen. Dein Schulweg ist vielleicht weiter. Du hast am Abend ein grösseres Programm angesagt, übst vielleicht einen Sport aus und erledigst danach noch schnell einige vergessene Hausaufgaben.
As a teenager you sleep less, but therefore you sleep very deeply. If someone wakes you up, you wake up badly. Even if you wake up by yourself, you are moody ..... Waking up and getting up in the night is therefore the most difficult thing. So you need help and support from your family to wake up.
What can you do?
You need to be properly motivated to get rid of bed-wetting.
You need someone you trust to help and support you during the training. If you do not wake up yourself, someone has to wake you up. The sooner you wake up, the better you feel that your bladder is full and the more effective your training will be.
You must be prepared to cooperate fully during the training. Even if the training is hard for you, together you can make it last!
Decide for yourself when you want to start. Pick a moment that is right for you.
Watch carefully when, how often and how much you have drunk. You should drink 1 litre in the morning, 0.5 litres at noon and in the evening only a little, at most 1 glass, about 1dl. You should go to the toilet 5 times a day.
You may notice that you don't drink enough during the day or that you simply drink at the wrong time.
Before going to bed, you must not drink any cola, tea or coffee, nor carbonated drinks.
Visit a paediatrician and find out if there is no medical cause. For example, the hormone balance responsible for urine production might be disturbed or the storage capacity of the bladder might not be sufficient. This is not serious, but it should be checked.
The better you are informed about what your problem is, the better the training can be adapted to you and the better your chances of success.
Pay close attention to when, how often and how much you drank. You should drink 1 liter in the morning, 0.5 liters at lunch and only a little in the evening, at most 1 glass, about 1dl. You should Go to the toilet 5 times a day.
You may notice that you don't drink enough during the day or that you simply drink at the wrong time.
Before going to bed, you are not allowed to drink cola, tea or coffee, or carbonated drinks.
Visit a pediatrician and have them check whether there is no medical cause. For example, the hormone balance responsible for urine production could be disturbed or the bladder's storage capacity may not be sufficient. This isn't a bad thing, but it should be clarified.
The better informed you are about what your problem is, the better the training can be tailored to you and the better your chances of success.
With the help of your doctor, your family and a bedwetting alarm,
you will certainly manage to get dry quickly!
Urifoon offers a bedwetting alarm with an acoustic alarm and an additional vibration alarm. Both are independently adjustable. You will surely wake up!
Benefit from the acoustic and vibrating alarm
Really deep sleepers
A vibrating alarm is a good alternative for hearing impaired people or real deep sleepers. The acoustic and vibration alarm can be set independently of each other. It gives the child an extra 'push' to wake up. The vibrating alarm is ideal when several children sleep together in the same room because the sound can be partially or completely switched off. But it is also suitable for older children who prefer to practice independently. The Vibes is not connected to the child, but is placed under the pillow or mattress.
You can rent and buy our bedwetting alram. A purchase device could be more expensive if the health insurance does not fully reimburse the device. We recommend that you clarify this with your health insurance company in advance.