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Book: Help for children who wet the bed at night.


A wet bed is a most unpleasant thing:


It makes work and ensures a bad mood. Thus, everyone wishes to finally get rid of the problem.


Although bedwetting is treatable, it is usually difficult to talk about it. Toilet problems can be quite embarrassing. Both for the boys and girls affected and for their parents.


To change that, there is this book. Children and their parents learn how to influence the problem with the wet bed in a favourable way. The do-it-yourself pages invite boys and girls to have their say and develop new ideas. Factual information for parents also helps to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic of bedwetting.


Nasses Bett? Children's book Bedwetting

  • Book: Help for children who wet the bed at night.

    A wet bed is a most unpleasant thing:

    It makes work and ensures a bad mood. Thus, everyone wishes to finally get rid of the problem.

    Although bedwetting is treatable, it is usually difficult to talk about it. Toilet problems can be quite embarrassing. Both for the boys and girls affected and for their parents.

    To change that, there is this book. Children and their parents learn how to influence the problem with the wet bed in a favourable way. The do-it-yourself pages invite boys and girls to have their say and develop new ideas. Factual information for parents also helps to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic of bedwetting.


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